Our Mission is to Surround you with Beauty


Outdoor living

From pools to patios, kitchens to fireplaces, our designs maximize your property and lifestyle.


Well designed walls, pavers and structures should enhance property and complement your home.


We're midwest experts and know which plants will thrive in your location. 

An Investment in your Quality of Life


A new outdoor space is a significant investment in your home for years to come. Once you decide to build that outdoor fireplace, pool or pond, the design must be taken with as much consideration as any addition to your actual home.

We're here to help you imagine what's possible and to help you realize your vision of what's right for you lifestyle. From restful to recreation, let us help you create the spaces you and your family will use throughout the year.

Click on the image to view a slideshow.



More than just bricks


Nothing gives your home more distinction than a paver driveway, walkway or patio.  Today's concrete pavers offer superior technology and cost effective implementation.  Let us help you design the perfect look for your home.

Click on the central images to see a selection of our designs.




When it comes to plants, we're about selection, location, seasonal interest and "a touch of wow!"  We know which plants will thrive in our planting zone and which ones will complement your hardscape and property.  But more than that...we also know which plants will create the wow factor when people drive by. Click on the images to check out our work.